Friday, December 28, 2007

I'm curious which political figure has disappointed you the most in 2007...

I'm curious which political figure has disappointed you the most in 2007...Is it Fred Thompson for his impotent campaign?Is it Hillary Clinton, for not provoking the kind of hate she is capable of provoking?Is it Larry Craig, for being so stupid ?Is it Mike Huckabee, for his insipid Christmas commercial?
It was the democrats, as a whole, in Congress. for me!
Is it someone else?
Let me know!


Joe Gringo said...

Jimbo, Congress did not disappoint! They did just what we expected them to do.......not a damn thing.

I'm leaning towards Fred, hopefully his campaign will start rockin'.......wouldn't Bill Bennett make a great VP?

Joe Gringo said...

hey brother, check the spelling on your blog title......:-)

Anonymous said...

.......wouldn't Bill Bennett make a great VP?


WomanHonorThyself said...

hey there Jim..thanks for the visit to my humble come again~!

Obob said...

I'd have to go with Bush/Cheney for not a strong counter-attack the left and Congress for the successes in Iraq and stem cell.

Papa Frank said...

Al Gore for swindling millions from the world as a snake-oil salesman of fear and fiction.

durano lawayan a.k.a. brad spit said...

Happy New Year Jimbo. As far as I'm concerned, its the entire American Foreign Policy. It has always been so repugnant, so devoid of equality and full of pretensions to lofty democratic ideals; but totally zero in substance. Most American citizens are sincere about democracy but are totally unaware of how their country implements its foreign policy.

Equality, right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness applies to all people of this planet, not just Americans; and the rights of one ends where the rights of others begin.

Whether its the Democrats or the Halliburton partners of the GOP, who are the very profitable beneficiaries of the Iraq war and environmental degradation; its the same rotten deal for those of us in the developing world!

So thanks for dropping by Jimbo. We may not always agree but at least we practice freedom of expression. LOL! --Durano, done!